Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sempre Con Calore

Happy Father's Day!

Ahh...First off I'd like to make a quick little note:Big Blue still isn't finished! Remember me bitching about how I've waited a little over a week for a manufacturer to ship in an item that I ordered from the ma and pa hardware store? Well it turns out the so called manufacturer stop producing this item and decided not to ship it to me. This doesn't bother me as much as the fact that no one at this said ma and pa hardware store bothered to call me to inform me this. And even that doesn't bother me as much as it took 5 phone calls, from me, to them, to get this explanation. So I got my refund and a name of another hardware store located in downtown Kirkwood...Yeah, I'm getting it from the internet this time around.

I started and finished the front cover of my album art this past week. I wanted the art to be full of layers to compliment the album but at the same time, I want it to be more about expression and impression as oppose to definite objects/images. So I got canvas, paint (no brushes) and worked in my little laboratory until the wee hours of each morning. It was a lot of fun to make, and to attempt to put the images, my songs create in my head, on paper. It's about as close as I can get, but I'm please. I have to admit, about half way through the meshing of paint, I panicked...convinced it was crap. Determined to not let myself stop me, I continued with the project and finished it today. I'm also graciously, thankfully, (insert other synonyms) accepting help from my fellow band mate (stellas) Jim Harper. He's agreed to design the album artwork as well because let's face it...I've only got the cover and I'm sure he can bring out other textures that I can't. And I'm tired...geez this shit his hard work. But the work must always be with feeling...or there's really no point in doing it.

Check out some of his stuff here and here.


and untouched end:

Each square represents a song on the album...could it be a bit too artsy for the content on the record? Ehhh maybe, but I think it's cool and so does my father. For this was his Father's day gift. Love that JOKER.

The website is practically finished...just need a little bit of help on the html/css of mail list forms...Anybody...anybody?

Also, the show on 7/03/09 @ City Art Supply has been moved to Cranky Yellow which is a little further east of APOP on Cherokee street. Hope to see some of you there!

...that is all...



  1. i dig the idea for the cover and how it is coming along.


    i hope to see EVERYONE there july 3. should be a really good time!

  2. Thanks!

    Plus I'm convinced that only about 5 people read this effing thing...

  3. well, if so, it's probably a quality five. and since only they are reading-no one is offended by that!
