Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Reveal

So, as promised, I'm posting pictures of Big Blue. I received many compliments on his construction at the show last night, as well as comments of my overall sexiness for building it...even in my spider man t-shirt. And without further ado, here are external picture of the new male in my life...

He barely fits in the trunk...

Some nice corner blocks...

My favorite feature!

More to come on his sweetness from the inside. I meant to snap a few with a new, but old, camera I just purchased today, as well as a laptop and some headphones, from my friend/old band mate Dan, but I wanted to hurry and get this laptop to El so that he can work his magic of make it a Windows-less Operating System.

Sure enough, he fixed it up in about 30 minutes and I'm currently at his place, typing this blog, watching Tim Burton's Nightmare before Christmas, and uploading the new teaser Syna video to facebook on the laptop, all at the same time, with no lagging! I'm glad I've snatched this up, even if it is about 5 years old. It will just make it that much easier "stay connected" with everything, for I have another reveal...

I finished the website and would love for you all to check it out and pass it around. (

But wait, there's more, I also opened a twitter account, as well as a facebook account for Syna So Pro.




That wasn't as climatic as I had hoped...

Anyway, Bliss City East, Panda Riot and Fractured Army all kicked some ass last night. It was a lot of fun, and the night seemed to speed on by. Thanks to all who made it out and stuck around!

I really don't have much else to blahg about but I want to keep playing on this laptop...

Who's going to tell me what kind of operating system I'm running? #! (psst...alan...that's your cue)

...that's all I got...


Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Year Ago Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow...

I was nervous, excited, moody, unsure and very, very anxious. The night before a year ago yesterday, I couldn't sleep too well. I couldn't wait to get up at 0730 and start cooking breakfast for El, Will, and Shae because that would mean that I was that much closer to recording my first debut album.

Sleeping that night was like sleeping the night before Christmas when Christmas was the most important thing to a child. Even on the "couch of lethargy" I couldn't drift away. I was up, mind racing:

"I think Shae can knock out the drum tracks in about 5 or 6 hours"
"...I really hope I get halfway done when this weekend is over..."
" should have practiced the violin more..."
"...and your guitar parts..."
" should really start with these songs first..."
"...I hope El will help me with distortion sounds..."

Sleep finally came and recording started with only a little bump in the road. The drums took most of the first day, leaving me with about 2 hours to squeeze some bass lines in. Bass and guitar was all day the second day, and guitar the remainder of the third day. I remember being disappointed that I didn't get at least halfway through all the instruments to be recorded. I also remember being in slight disbelief that I could forget to add a part or two to a song. (How could I completely forget about parts, not the parts themselves, but putting the parts in the songs?)

Looking back a year ago, I learned that nothing, nothing ever goes as planned...EVER! El said it best: "You can't record songs when you have time booked. You have to record when you feel it...when you're in it." I agree 100%. When I started recording, I didn't want the process to take a year to do...and here we are a year later with the final product to be release in a couple months. The whole process was time consuming, tiring, difficult, monotonous, frustrating, and tedious in every way possible. But I couldn't be happier with how everything is finally coming together.

It's been a long time since I posted some music on the blog. I thought it would be fitting for me to post a song that I wrote a year ago, and still haven't gotten total lyrical inspiration. It was my attempt to write a riff...

I think it's kinda funny...

It's got anvils...they're always funny...

I especially like the ebowed guitar parts...

Hope you guys dig it.

Last night El and I went driving around to capture some footage for a video idea I have. I not going to say much more than that, but since you are following this blog, I figured I could at leas post some stills for your pleasure...

Two questions before I "sign off" here. Of the few of you who actually read this, how much more or less inclined are you to buy a jewel case of the album, as oppose to digital? (this is if you were going to buy the album of course)

And are you coming to the stella show this Saturday? You can finally see my pedal board! (this is if you didn't already see it earlier this month) I did, however, add a new feature to Big'll see.


...that is all...


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Probing the Biz and the Brain

In this past week I've come to the realization that I have no idea of what I'm doing:

How should I list the album info?
Do the little things really matter?
Should I include the people who helped my stars align or not?
Should I get the album registered with the Government?
Or is my post dated copyright enough?
Does it need some sort of publication?

I have no idea...

...then the paranoia sets in, with all these different scenarios coming about and what I could do to prevent it. It took 2 phone calls and a IM chat to calm my ass down. Not that I was really freaking out or anything... know...

I also found a website that answered all of my previous (legal) freak outs above. Very the wheels have slowed to their normal pace and my brain can function once more.

But I need to find a way to kill the little voice of doubt. Of all of the "nay-sayers" she s the most threatening to my success. If there was a way to shoot her (we'll call her Cyrhea...'Mario:Wario' anyone?) out of me, much like what Ed did to Brad in Fight Club, I'd jump at the chance. But, obviously, that isn't a valid option and I'll have to find my own way. I do know that she feeds off of the negative energy from others and I need to surround myself with more "successful" people to fuel my the positive direction. Lucky for me, I do have two people who's been supportive of me since day one. One of you were even behind me before the was anything to get behind. Two is not a lot, but it's better than zero and I thank you both.

This sudden reflection of my overall conscience of myself has caused me to wonder of the stage banter is taking it's toll on the issue. I think it works, and it's kind of my own way of making fun of myself. I know my close, close friends kinda get the pun/joke but when strangers ask, "Why are you so hard on yourself", it's probably time for a different approach.

I did, for the first time in ages, go out this past Saturday. My Brodurr came up to visit and we hit a Drum N Bass BBQ at a park in St. Ann. (he's a DJ by the way...ahem...A REAL ONE... ...*cough*) We then chilled for a while at a house party and I got to do something else I haven't done in a while. JAM! It ain't...It ain't too much to JAM! It ain't too much...IT AIN'T TO A MUCH FOR ME. LET'S JAM!

I jammed a little on the bass...
Then a little on the guitar...
Then a little on the drums...

Definitely needed the release and collaboration with others. After the session, my bro and I headed to The Upstairs' After Party, which, sadly to say, I ruined the rest of the fun to be had. I can barely stay up after midnight anymore from working myself ragged for the rekkid release. So we promptly left after last call and snapped a quick pic of us.


The last time we were in a picture together was at least 5 years ago. INSANE!

I will be "getting out of the cave" again for the Sonic Youth show this Friday. See you there? Plus the stellas has the final show before recording fresh demos the Saturday after. (07.25.09) And last but not least, Jovian's Cd release show is slotted on 8.21.09 at the Firebird. So yes, I'll leave my cave for these events but I must stay focused on what needs to be done.

...that is all...


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tests, Tributes and Flashes

Once again, thanks to all who made it out to the show last Friday. It was a lot of fun and it made me realize that I need to play out more often. And a special thanks to .e for asking me to play the show and Bill Tucker for just being himself. You both are awesome!

It was also a test to see if Big Blue could survive being transported, and if I need to re-think any elements within him. He passed with flying colors but I do need to make one minor adjustment. I put Easy Liner on the actual board of the pedal board and thought that industrial strength Velcro would keep it in it's place. Well, apparently the weight of all the pedals, pulling downward on the Easy Liner when the case is upright, pulls the Liner from the Velcro.

The Velcro is strong enough, but the adhesive on the back of the Velcro isn't. So I'm thinking I should just use some cabinet liner that has an adhesive backside and cross the fingers... (still not going to post pictures... probably after the stella show on 07/25/09)

I was going to get some today, but I was too lazy...

Plus the thought of having to go to a Walmart/Kmart (insert any other chain mart) makes me annoyed, impatient, and dreading every second I'm there. So I watched (again) Michael Jackson's live in Bucharest concert instead. And speaking of the late MJ, I have to give mad props to all the people on Friday who sang their asses off during my performance. I made a little video for your enjoyment. I'll definitely have to play that song again sometime in the future.

Oh yeah and those business cards that I printed and were feverishly snatched up has the incorrect link to this blog. It's not Not sure why I'm even posting it here, but I'm hoping that some of you already knew the correct link or can use a search engine.

I watched the footage of the show to critique myself and to get newer media up for viewing and I was absolutely horrified at what I saw. The performance was pretty good...confidence about as normal as it can get with my solo shows...but the wardrobe... uh oh. Talk about a wardrobe malfunction that I not only didn't notice, but not one person who witnessed the show informed me of this. Not One! Dude, I practically flashed a group of people on the left side of the room...for a long, long time. By far the worst 1.07 seconds I never remembered. It was hot in the room...but geez, you'd think I'd notice something like that!

And the image...edited of course!

I'm very surprised El didn't zoom in on the atrocity.

Anyway, hope you all had a great 4th and mother nature (we're not on good terms) didn't ruin too much of the festivities for you.

Plus I just uploaded another video from my last show.

Check it out.

...that is all...
