Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Saga Ends...


Big Blue is finally finished and boy is he heavy! I still haven't figured out how I'm going to get him out of the basement...even with his wheels.

I would post a picture, but I'm really wanting you folks to come out to Cranky Yellow this Friday(07.03.09) around 8:30 to see myself, .e and Bill Tucker and friends. Then you can see my new pedal board, listen to some sweet ass tunes, and hang out with me. I mean c'mon! There should be no thinking...just GO!

I spent most of the day today at El's place making the final edits on the album. Why has this taken so long? Well, there are a few reasons...the main one being, I'M SO EFFING TIRED OF LISTENING TO THIS ALBUM...IT'S MAKING ME CRAZY...ALMOST TO THE POINT THAT I DON'T EVEN CARE ANYMORE! Seriously, it's getting pretty old...but it's work that has to be done. Editing is a very important aspect of the flow of an album and it cannot be overlooked...plus I'm picky. And having a sense of pickiness (yes I'll make up my own word) and monotonous redundancy causes me to fight with myself. Either I don't care, or I have to do this right...Pick one!

I then spent the rest of the late afternoon/evening memorizing stage banter lines that I've written for myself. I wish I had more time before this show on Friday, but I think all will be fine. Just trying to think of ways to entertain you folks while I'm setting everything up for the next song. So I'll be rehearsing for 4 hours each night until Friday to make sure that I don't even have to think about what I'm doing anymore. Did I already mention monotonous redundancy?

I also just want to quickly mention while I'm finally gained my composure and self. Michael Jackson is one of the best things that could have ever happened to me as a child. Just listening to his music brings me back to my family, summer days, bbq's, dance off's, and all around happiness. Janet's Control and Rhythm Nation does the same. So when he passed last Thursday, it felt like those days left with him. I'm glad I had this experience with him, although I've never met him, nor been to any of his concerts. (watched all the live videos 5x over with my papa though) This was something that was shared by not only blacks, but ethnic groups and generations of the world. Although I'm absolutely devastated that he's gone, I'm even more saddened at the people who cannot relate. He was the most unique entertainer I ever seen, and probably ever will see. And a handful of you missed it.

That is the real shame.

...and I still love him...


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sempre Con Calore

Happy Father's Day!

Ahh...First off I'd like to make a quick little note:Big Blue still isn't finished! Remember me bitching about how I've waited a little over a week for a manufacturer to ship in an item that I ordered from the ma and pa hardware store? Well it turns out the so called manufacturer stop producing this item and decided not to ship it to me. This doesn't bother me as much as the fact that no one at this said ma and pa hardware store bothered to call me to inform me this. And even that doesn't bother me as much as it took 5 phone calls, from me, to them, to get this explanation. So I got my refund and a name of another hardware store located in downtown Kirkwood...Yeah, I'm getting it from the internet this time around.

I started and finished the front cover of my album art this past week. I wanted the art to be full of layers to compliment the album but at the same time, I want it to be more about expression and impression as oppose to definite objects/images. So I got canvas, paint (no brushes) and worked in my little laboratory until the wee hours of each morning. It was a lot of fun to make, and to attempt to put the images, my songs create in my head, on paper. It's about as close as I can get, but I'm please. I have to admit, about half way through the meshing of paint, I panicked...convinced it was crap. Determined to not let myself stop me, I continued with the project and finished it today. I'm also graciously, thankfully, (insert other synonyms) accepting help from my fellow band mate (stellas) Jim Harper. He's agreed to design the album artwork as well because let's face it...I've only got the cover and I'm sure he can bring out other textures that I can't. And I'm tired...geez this shit his hard work. But the work must always be with feeling...or there's really no point in doing it.

Check out some of his stuff here and here.


and untouched end:

Each square represents a song on the album...could it be a bit too artsy for the content on the record? Ehhh maybe, but I think it's cool and so does my father. For this was his Father's day gift. Love that JOKER.

The website is practically finished...just need a little bit of help on the html/css of mail list forms...Anybody...anybody?

Also, the show on 7/03/09 @ City Art Supply has been moved to Cranky Yellow which is a little further east of APOP on Cherokee street. Hope to see some of you there!

...that is all...


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Shoot Me Once, Twice, Five Times. HOORAY!

Photo shoots and fun!

My good ol' dad has been wanting to get out to new areas in St. Louis to shoot people just to stay loose and to feed his artistic needs. What better person could he shoot, other than his very photogenic daughter... That's right. I jumped at this opportunity, because not only have I been slacking on just getting new media out about this solo project, but just to have some professional looking photos would be nice.

But why would you need these photos? It's not like your solo project plays out that much...

Yeah, thanks...I'm aware of this. And I'll take the time to explain to some of the 'Debbie Downers' out there.

You're right, I don't play out often...I've got three other bands to practice and play for...plus my set up is a bit more complicated...Don't want to play when I'm not ready. But what I am doing with these pictures is building my own website.

I've already got my basic layout complete, as well as a few of the tabs in the navigation bar...A few tweaks on color scheme, setting up shop, and actually writing something of substance and VOOWAHLAH! A website.

I'm heading into Yellow Hat tomorrow (hopefully the last time) to fine tune 4 more songs on the rekkid, pass the rekkid to Will so that Will can pass it to Jack to let him do his magic mastering. YEAYUH! But what good is an album if you have no means to sell it digitally? Ahhh...the website.


Still doing a bit of research on digital downloads but the ship is in motion. I will press about 100 and I plan to use them as I see fit. (Sell Sell Sell!)

But let's get back to the photos...

Fun times with dad...
Difficult times changing in the back seat of a car and praying no one can see...and if they do, no one will call the cops. And it was Hot...in the car. (No air conditioning) Here are several pictures I'm willing to share.


Dad, I have no idea what you want me to do...


Your soul is mine!


Wheee agaaain!

Model wannabe

Unattractive close up...

And another...

I have no idea what I was doing

And now, the one I'm most proud of. I call it the Barack Obama meets a JC Penny Model...Enjoy!

...that is all...


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Delays in Sagas



I'm not too happy right now...

My pedal board is practically finished...FINISHED! But am I going to get to use it at tonight's show? (Viva Voce et al) Nope. Should I really be complaining? Probably not...but I went out of my way to give a local hardware store some business. They promised me my item would be in on Monday... ...that promise was made last Tuesday... have I heard anything yet? Nope. I mean c'mon, seriously? This is why Ma and Pa business are going down... I could have gotten this shit by Friday of last week if I had just ordered it online! I knew I should have done that. What was I thinking?

I guess there's always the July shows. The 3rd is approaching faster than I'd like. Mostly because I'm having a really hard time with volume levels between the Headrush, Repeater and the Jamman. The chain of wiring events goes as follows:

All instruments to Mixer
Mixer to Pedal Board
Big Muff
Small Stone
Holy Grail

Pedal Board to Bass Rig

Here's a lovely picture I drew!

With this set up, the Jamman will be the "drum machine" per se, while the repeater takes over the looping and the Headrush and DD-20 can serve their main purpose. DELAY Delay delay delay. Which is a lot of fun and is definitely adding to my orchestrated sound. I still use the Headrush and the Jamman as loop pedals on the old tunes...which is where the problem I stated above lies. I'm not sure if I have the mixer output level too high or if it's the Headrush's or the Jamman's or the Repeater's but my levels aren't fitting in the correct spot with my drum machine. Yes, I could just push the drum machine volume up, but when I do so, it effects all the loops being recorded into it...causing the loop to be louder than the current instrument that I'm playing. And that poor Backline didn't sign up for that. I'm slowly breaking him, and I know it. Which is why I desperately need a PA system to run this craziness through.

So this one seemingly little problem will and can indeed cause me to spend a whole 8 hour day to figure out and fix. This is what I plan to do after I post this nonsense. And the process is painfully frustrating and monotonous. I guess the first place I should start is to re-recording all the drum beats onto my Jamman...this way I'll know that they're all at the same exact volume. I anticipate this alone taking a few hours and I already don't want to do it. But like I said before, I can only depend on myself...I can't let anything stop me...not even myself. So let's get this loopage started right...

But I'm kinda hungry...

I will let hunger stop me...


I'm going to get some food...

Hope to see some of you at the stella show tonight! It's early, all ages and it'll be fun!

...that is all...


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pete and the Repeater

It was April 16th, 2009.

I was at work, gmail chatting about tax money. The thread reads as follows:

Scott: sooo... .what is the damage?
me: I'm expected to get about a grand back
Scott: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me: 400 from Federal and 600 from state
12:55 PM

Scott: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Electrix Repeater????
HeySus Christo, that is awesome.
me: Nah...
not yet
I don't know
I want an i-pod too
Scott: hehe
1:00 PM

me: Yeah, you're right
I could probably swing both...
Scott: Yeah!
me: I just hate to spend all the money at once on one thing.
Scott: Does this mean we'll have to go to Chicago to buy gear?
me: You know?
I don't know
Only way I can get a reapeater is ebay.
Scott: haha - nah, I know. It's good to hang on to some cash, for sure!
I can't believe they stopped making that.

1:07 PM

me: looking up repeaters now
Scott: lol
me: Look at what you've got me doing!
Scott: awesome!
I am a good influence

1:11 PM

me: And I've found one for $600!!!!
Scott: That's good?
let me see
Bidding ends tomorrow
Ahhh...what am I going to do!
Scott: when do you get your funds?
me: Should I just get it?
Scott: With what?
me: Next friday
Scott: hmmm
me: But I get paid this friday
Scott: Well, check it out thoroughly ya know, seller history/references, etc...
me: yeah
I don't even have an ebay account
Scott: do you have a paypal acct, tho?
me: no
I know
it's actually only $530
Scott: Well, you might be able to check it out late tonight when ya have more time, and set up the accts, if ya want to. Otherwise, I am sure there will be more on the market!
me: But that's definitely the cheapest one I've seen
Scott: Wow... of course, the bidding could spike as the dealine approaches.

1:20 PM

Where is the seller located?
me: I can't figure it out.
I'm trying to look
it just says he's from the US but he has great feedback responses
Scott: that's weird... I thought they usually had more specific info.
me: he hasn't sold anything in the last year...he has a blue star but the comments left were very positive
Scott: cool - I just pulled it up
oh - It's Bainbridge Island, WA... Right across the water from Seattle
Upper right of screen
me: oh..

1:30 PM

Scott: Yeah, that is a lot of good feeback, even from buyers
me: You think i should go for it?
Scott: Yeah - I'd drop the seller a line and inquire regarding any known problems... But it looks good, and comes with a foot pedal..
me: I wonder if he'd just sell it to me for a flat price
Damn you Scott!
Now I can't stop thinking about it!
I was going to buy wood to start my pedal board this weekend
Scott: Wood is cheap
me: But my heart needs that repeater!
Scott: Awww
1:35 PM

btw - I think it is a chic sellin it
I was reading her feedback responses to other people
me: oooo even better!
Scott: that unit really does look pretty mint
I think I want one too
me: and it's not too expensive!
Scott: word - go for it!
me: I think I will
when should I place the killer bid?
10 minutes before?
1:40 PM

Scott: I would be ready to make a little move in the last 2 minutes, actually
me: Ok, tonight I'm going to set up my account...
Then in the last two minutes make a bid at about 550
I know that's 20 dollars over but I really want this now.
Scott: Someone else might have a max bid set higher... If you thought 600 was fair, ya might wanna go that high
me: I think I'll risk 550
Scott: Cool

So, that evening, I set up my accounts and by later on that afternoon, the repeater was mine. Outbid those losers in the last 10 seconds. Sooooo didn't see that coming. It seemed like eternity for the repeater to arrive, mostly because I didn't realize that it took 3 business days for pay pal to verify a bank account, as well as another 5 business days to transfer the money to pay pal. But when it finally arrived on April 28th 2009...I was estatic!

I immediately ran to the laboratory and tried to figure it out. (very difficult without a manual) I knew I would be spending every moment I had with Repeat (that's her name) but my time with her was so short... I started building Big Blue (that's the pedal board 'his' name) causing the last time I touched her, to be the first.

I neglected her...

For over a month...

She was probably wondering why I bought her to begin with...as was I the other day. But in the last 72 hours, almost all of my spare time has gone to her. We've already created 2 new sweet songs that we'll bust out together on July 3rd @ City Art Supply. (w/.e and Bill Tucker and Friends)

I must say, I'm enjoying actually using delay pedals...as a delay pedal instead of a secondary and/or tertiary loop pedal with my previous set up. I'm very excited, and can't wait until Big Blue joins in all the fun. Plus, good Old Greg(g) just happens to have a midi footswitch controller laying around his place that I can use to join forces with The Repeater. Big Blue just might be big enough to hold all that hardware as well.

Speaking of the pedal board, it's almost finished. Waiting for the finish to dry and then I can apply all the accessories to my baby...

...dude...I tingle...

I think I might have it finished for the Viva Voce show next week...but I had to special order some parts today, so no promises...

...that is all...
