Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Saga of the Pedal Board (pt.5)

Sooo....that Gorilla Glue...Eff'd me up man! Most of last Tuesday night, Wednesday morning and Thursday, I was having uncontrollable asthma/allergy like symptoms on top of sounding like a man. I actually didn't go into work on both Wednesday and Thursday, but I will not let this set back stop me!

I got back to work on my precious last night. I decided to not use the Gorilla Glue but to just stick to Elmer's Wood Glue. All is well. Finished up the second box and made a mental note: If I'm ever to build another one of these again, I'm getting more expensive plywood. The wood on the bottom box of the board totally split leaving the screws visible and bare. I'll have to puddy it up and for some reason, I forgot to take a picture of it...oh well.

But the box to hold the board is complete, and HUGE.

It's seriously like a little bit bigger than a Fender Twin amp...no fooling. Wheels are a must. There's going to be no way around it.

I then propped up the board that's actually going to have my pedals on it inside of the box to get an idea of where to put the hinges.

I found some 3/4 in thick wood pieces and screwed them to the back of my box and then placed the hinges on the wood blocks so that I could have space to feed cables/power strips/etc through the void. I finished up and called it a night.

This afternoon I connected the bottom ends of the hinges to the pedal board, after conveniently making a little hole to grip the board.

Making the connections seriously took me about an hour because I needed about 4 arms and hands. After I got the board connected to the box, I realized there was about a 1/4 in overlap of where the board is supposed to land.

Frustrated, I'm thinking of ways to just cut the extra wood off without taking anything apart. Around this time a dude on the west side of the Isle of Sky came around and became the second set of arms and hands that I needed. We took the hinges off, used 1/2in wood blocks, screwed those in the back of the box, and inserted the hinges on the blocks...Success!

Well...almost. The bottom of the board still wasn't clearing the edge of the box...just barely. Here comes the sanding...and sanding...and more sanding...and sanding...and blah blah blah FINALLY!

It's looking like a pedal board! Hells yes! And to see how much room I would have for my power strip, I decided to place it in the bottom of the board...

Look at all this room in here! I mean C'mon...LOOK AT IT! I could fit a small child in there. My fear of not having enough room for power turned out to be unfounded. I'm actually going to put two power strips in there. One for the pedals, and the other for bad-ass accessories. You'll see and yes, it's going to happen.

But for now, I'm tired and dusty...

And help me think of what color I should stain the wood (I've decided to stain)

...that is all...


  1. Now, you are not only a one-woman musical enigma, you are also a carpenter. Perhaps we can incorporate this into another show at The Way Out. Hmmmm... tap-dancing on a pedal board and whitlling. Yes. I think we have a hit!


  2. Wow! I didn't even realize you had a blog, heh. That thing is amazing! It's HUGE. Niiiice job.

  3. I had a blog on myspace posting about my solo project and other musical endeavors but, I figured since myspace is dead...I should build one somewhere else.

    Plus I'm really planning on pushing my album out there when it's mastered and pressed...so a real web page is in the works.

    And I'd love to do another show Amanda!
