Ok, after realized that my intial dimensions were waaaaay to big,
I decided that I needed to cut a good 7 in off the width of the boards. I spent most of the late afternoon and early evening, doing this while attempting to relive the Asobi Seksu show last night. I re-bought "Citrus", because I've lost 2 copies, and was cranking it to my hearts delight. Plus it was loud as hell, and I wanted to hear it over the saws/sanders/routers.
After the boards were cut to a more resonable size, I started to sand the pieces...Well about a quarter of the way through, I got bored and impatient and decided to skip the sanding and start the routing.
I want to get this damn thing finished, if it's the last thing I do...besides the album *cough*.
I called upon my dad to show me how to use the router, because, well, when would I have ever used one? Wait, now thinking about it, I did use one on shop class in the 7th grade to make a yard sign that read "Conaways'". The lettering was so curvy and wavy that I only put the sign out for people to see when it was Halloween. It looked SPOOKY.
After my dad gave me the ultimate demonstration,
I set out to routing the top/botton and length side pieces. I started with the sides...all is well. Tried to finish with the top and bottom pieces...this is where the trouble began. The boards are awkwardly large for the routing table, which cause me to use the machine in a less than ideal fashion. Plus I was paranoid about losing my fingers. I managed to make it through the first board, but the second board I had a little mishap. Some how the board shot forward, and in my paranoia about losing digits, I just let go of the board. This is what resulted.
I guess it could be worst, but like I said before, I want to get this thing done. That is just one extra step I'll have to take in order to fix my mistake.
When I got all the routing done, I placed all the pieces together to see how accurate my measurements were.
Well it turns out I'll have to take another 1/4 in of the width of the sides of the boxes.
With this other bump on my road to a funtioning pedal board I decided to quit for the day. Unfortunately the garage and myself is a mess and I've got a lot to clean up...plus a nice hot shower.
...The saga will continue...
...That is all...
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