Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tests, Tributes and Flashes

Once again, thanks to all who made it out to the show last Friday. It was a lot of fun and it made me realize that I need to play out more often. And a special thanks to .e for asking me to play the show and Bill Tucker for just being himself. You both are awesome!

It was also a test to see if Big Blue could survive being transported, and if I need to re-think any elements within him. He passed with flying colors but I do need to make one minor adjustment. I put Easy Liner on the actual board of the pedal board and thought that industrial strength Velcro would keep it in it's place. Well, apparently the weight of all the pedals, pulling downward on the Easy Liner when the case is upright, pulls the Liner from the Velcro.

The Velcro is strong enough, but the adhesive on the back of the Velcro isn't. So I'm thinking I should just use some cabinet liner that has an adhesive backside and cross the fingers... (still not going to post pictures... probably after the stella show on 07/25/09)

I was going to get some today, but I was too lazy...

Plus the thought of having to go to a Walmart/Kmart (insert any other chain mart) makes me annoyed, impatient, and dreading every second I'm there. So I watched (again) Michael Jackson's live in Bucharest concert instead. And speaking of the late MJ, I have to give mad props to all the people on Friday who sang their asses off during my performance. I made a little video for your enjoyment. I'll definitely have to play that song again sometime in the future.

Oh yeah and those business cards that I printed and were feverishly snatched up has the incorrect link to this blog. It's not Not sure why I'm even posting it here, but I'm hoping that some of you already knew the correct link or can use a search engine.

I watched the footage of the show to critique myself and to get newer media up for viewing and I was absolutely horrified at what I saw. The performance was pretty good...confidence about as normal as it can get with my solo shows...but the wardrobe... uh oh. Talk about a wardrobe malfunction that I not only didn't notice, but not one person who witnessed the show informed me of this. Not One! Dude, I practically flashed a group of people on the left side of the room...for a long, long time. By far the worst 1.07 seconds I never remembered. It was hot in the room...but geez, you'd think I'd notice something like that!

And the image...edited of course!

I'm very surprised El didn't zoom in on the atrocity.

Anyway, hope you all had a great 4th and mother nature (we're not on good terms) didn't ruin too much of the festivities for you.

Plus I just uploaded another video from my last show.

Check it out.

...that is all...


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